Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Miss Brill

1) Describe the narration used in "Miss Brill"

Miss Brill has a bunch of different narration going on within the story. There is not to much narration because the narrator does not seem to know that Miss Brill is very mentally unstable. There also the fact the that the narrator never clarifies that Miss Brill is mentally unstable making the story a little hard for the reader to understand some of it.

2) How reliable is the narration in "Miss Brill"? What are some clues that the actual events in the story are somewhat different than the narrator's version?

The narration in Miss Brill is not to reliable, due to the main fact that a major importance of the story was left out about the fact she was mentally unstable. The actual events are very different because a lot of the story at certain portions don't make sense and you can tell that these events are slightly different from what they would be like in reality.


  1. "There is not to(o) much narration" --the whole story is narration, except for the dialogue. Perhaps you are suggesting that there isn't too much reliable narration since Miss Brill is a few building blocks short of a toy box?

